Is Your HVAC Company Reputable?

When it comes to home maintenance costs such as unexpected expenses like a furnace or AC, it is imperative to work with someone that you can trust.  Cost certainly is a factor, but sometimes the deal that is too good to be true is exactly that. Ask yourself these questions: How is the contractor trained […]

Battle Dry Winter Air with a Humidifier

This is the year you’re really ready for winter… furnace cleaned and checked… firewood restocked… snow tires on the cars… salt for the driveway… gas for the snow blower… and all of your cold weather gear – hats, gloves, coats, boots at the ready. Yep, when winter launches its assault on your senses, you’ve checked […]

Allergy Season Is Upon Us

After being cooped up in our homes all winter, it’s nice to see our daytime temperatures getting warmer. But the very wet conditions we’ve experienced this spring will most certainly lead to high pollen counts as the foliage begins to bloom. Some of us are already sneezing, which means one thing: Allergy season is here. […]

Choosing A Reputable HVAC Contractor

The first question you should ask, is the contractor licensed?   If licensed properly, the contractor will also have insurance and be a legitimate business professional.   Don’t be fooled though, because no proof is required to take out an advertisement out on Facebook, Craigslist or any internet advertiser.    You need to be diligent when researching. Some […]

Maintenance Agreements

If you own a house or building, it is not a question of maintenance costs but how they are managed.   Whether it be the coldest of winters or the hottest of summers, all equipment should ultimately have some level of maintenance if you expect to get the fullest of its life cycle and efficiency.    Just […]

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